Florian Fervers |
Visual Cross-view Geolocalization |
2024/12 |
Omar Moured |
Towards Accessible Visualizations with Vision-Language Models |
2024/12 |
Kunyu Peng |
Towards Generalizable Deep Learning-based Human Action Recognition |
2024/10 |
Simon Reiß |
Semi-weakly Supervised Learning for Label-efficient Semantic Segmentation in Expert-driven Domains |
2023/11 |
Angela Schön |
Auditory Displays for People with Visual Impairments during Travel |
2023/11 |
Jiaming Zhang |
Scene Understanding for Intelligent Transportation and Mobility Assistance Systems |
2023/11 |
Constantin Seibold |
Towards the Automatic Generation of Medical Reports in Low Supervision Scenarios |
2023/04 |
Manuel Martin |
3D Human Body Pose-based Activity Recognition for Driver Monitoring Systems |
2023/02 |
Adrian Hoppe |
Enhanced Virtuality: Increasing the Usability and Productivity of Virtual Environments |
2021/05 |
Alina Roitberg |
Uncertainty-Aware Models for Deep Learning-based Human Activity Recognition and Applications in Intelligent Vehicles |
2021/04 |
Monica Haurilet |
High-Level Understanding of Visual Content in Learning Materials through Graph Neural Networks |
2020/10 |
Paul Jäger |
Challenges and Opportunities of End-to-End Learning in Medical Image Classification |
2020/06 |
Vivek Sharma |
Self-supervised Face Representation Learning |
2020/05 |
Simon Kohl |
Semantic Segmentation of Ambiguous Images |
2020/01 |
Sebastian Bullinger |
Image-based 3D Reconstruction of Dynamic Objects Using Instance-Aware Multibody Structure from Motion |
2019/11 |
Arne Schumann |
Pose-Guided Semantic Person Re-Identification in Surveillance Data |
2019/07 |
Daniel Koester |
An Orientation & Mobility Aid for People with Visual Impairments |
2019/05 |
Anke Schwarz |
Tiefen-basierte Bestimmung der Kopfposition und -orientierung im Fahrzeuginnenraum |
2018/02 |
Ziad Al-Halah |
Semantic Attributes for Transfer Learning in Visual Recognition |
2018/02 |
Felix Schmitt |
Driver Attention Assessment from Gaze and Situational Variables |
2018/01 |
Manuel Martinez Torres |
Video-based Sleep Monitoring |
2017/07 |
David Münch |
Begriffliche Situationsanalyse aus Videodaten bei unvollständiger und fehlerhafter Information |
2017/01 |
Lukas Rybok |
Unsupervised Object Candidate Detection for Activity Recognition |
2017/01 |
Andreas Schulz |
Video-based Pedestrian Intention Recognotion and Path Prediction for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems |
2016/11 |
Makarand Tapaswi |
Story Understanding Through Semantic Analysis and Automatic Alignment of Text and Video |
2016/06 |
Martin Bäuml |
Contextual Person Identification in Multimedia Data |
2014/11 |
Hildegard Kühne |
Analysis and Recognition of Human Actions with Flow Features and Temporal Models |
2014/07 |
Joris Ijsselmuiden |
Interaction Analysis in Smart Work Environments through Fuzzy Temporal Logic |
2014/07 |
Boris Schauerte |
Multimodal Computational Attention for Scene Understanding |
2014/06 |
Florian van de Camp |
glue TK: A Framework for Multi-modal, Multi-display Interaction |
2014/05 |
Alexander Schick |
Articulated Body Tracking with Supervoxels |
2014/05 |
Jürgen Brauer |
Human Pose Estimation with Implicit Shape Models |
2014/02 |
Hua Gao |
Discriminative Appearance Models for Face Alignment |
2013/06 |
Tobias Feldmann |
Multikamerabasierte Poseschätzung von Menschen |
2012/07 |
Michael Voit |
Multimodale Bestimmung des visuellen Aufmersamkeitsfokus von Personen am Beispiel aufmerksamer Umgebungen |
2011/07 |
Keni Bernardin |
Multimodal Probabilistic Person Tracking and Identification in Smart Spaces |
2009/11 |
Hazım Kemal Ekenel |
A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications |
2009/02 |
Kai Nickel |
Visuelle Benutzermodellierung mit Tracking und Zeigegestenerkennung für einen humanoiden Roboter |
2008/11 |
Rainer Stiefelhagen |
Tracking and Modeling Focus of Attention in Meetings |
2002/07 |