Author | Title | Source |
A. Pnevmatikakis, H.K. Ekenel, C. Barras, J. Hernando |
Multimodal Person Identification | Book Chapter in 'Computers in the Human Interaction Loop', Human-Computer Interaction Series, Springer Verlag, London, 2009. |
Author | Title | Source |
H. K. Ekenel, H. Gao, R. Stiefelhagen |
3-D Face Recognition using Local Appearance-Based Models | IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 630-635, September 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, J. Stallkamp, R. Stiefelhagen |
A Video-based Door Monitoring System Using Local Appearance-based Face Models | Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Vol. 114, No. 5, pp. 596 – 608, May 2010. |
R. Stiefelhagen, K. Bernardin, H.K. Ekenel, J. McDonough, K. Nickel, M. Voit, M. Wölfel |
Audio-Visual Perception of a Lecturer in a Smart Seminar Room | Signal Processing, Vol. 86 (12), Dec. 2006. |
R. Stiefelhagen, H.K. Ekenel, C. Fügen, P. Gieselmann, H. Holzapfel, F. Kraft, K. Nickel, M. Voit, A. Waibel |
Enabling Multimodal Human-Robot Interaction for the Karlsruhe Humanoid Robot | IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Special Issue on Human-Robot Interaction, Vol. 23, No. 5, October 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, B. Sankur |
Feature selection in the independent component subspace for face recognition | Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 25, No. 12, pp. 1377-1388, Sept. 2004. |
K. Bernardin, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multimodal identity tracking in a smart room. | Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 13(1): 25-31, 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, B. Sankur |
Multiresolution Face Recognition | Image and Vision Computing, Vol. 23, No.5, pp. 469-477, May 2005. |
M. Fischer, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Person Re-identification in TV Series Using Robust Face Recognition and User Feedback | Springer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 55(1), pp. 83-104, 2011. |
Author | Title | Source |
T. Gehrig, H.K. Ekenel |
Why is Facial Expression Analysis in the Wild Challenging? | Emotion Recognition In The Wild Challenge and Workshop (EmotiW’13), December 9, 2013, Sydney, NSW, Australia |
H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
A Ranking Model for Face Alignment with Pseudo Census Transform | 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012. |
N. Hesse, T. Gehrig, H. Gao, H. K. Ekenel |
Multi-view Facial Expression Recognition using Local Appearance Features | 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012. |
M. Richter, T. Gehrig, H. K. Ekenel |
Facial Expression Classification on Web Images | 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012. |
F. Jiang, B. Shi, H.K. Ekenel |
Efficient and Robust Integration of Face Detection and Head Pose Estimation | 21st International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2012), Tsukuba, Japan, November 2012. |
N.M. Arar, H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, L. Akarun |
Selection and Combination of Local Gabor Classifiers for Robust Face Verification | IEEE 5th International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington DC, USA, September 2012. |
M. Fischer, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Analysis of Partial Least Squares for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition | IEEE 5th International Conference on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS), Washington DC, USA, September 2012. |
C. Qu, H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel |
Rotation Update on Manifold for Robust Non-rigid Structure from Motion | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Orlando, Florida, USA, September 2012. |
L. Dan, J. Ohya, H.K. Ekenel |
Human Gesture Analysis Using Multimodal Features | 2nd IEEE Intl. Workshop on Interactive Ambient Intelligence Multimedia Environments, in conj. with IEEE Intl. Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2012), Melbourne, Australia, June 2012. |
N.M. Arar, F. Güney, N.K. Bekmezci, H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel |
Real-time Face Swapping in Video Sequences - Magic Mirror | International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Rome, Italy, February 2012. |
T. Gehrig, H.K. Ekenel |
Facial Action Unit Detection Using Kernel Partial Least Squares | 1st IEEE Int'l Workshop on Benchmarking Facial Image Analysis Technologies (BeFIT 2011), Barcelona, Spain, November 2011. |
H. Gao, H. K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen |
Boosting Pseudo Census Transform Features for Face Alignment | BMVC 2011, Dundee. |
F. Jiang, B. Shi, M. Fischer, H.K. Ekenel |
Effective Discretization of Gabor Features for Real-Time Face Detection | IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’11), Brussels, Belgium, September 2011. |
T. Gehrig, H.K. Ekenel |
A Common Framework for Real-Time Emotion Recognition and Facial Action Unit Detection | IEEE Workshop on CVPR for Human Communicative Behavior Analysis, June 2011. |
H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Identifying Important People in Broadcast News Videos | IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Nara, Japan, June 2011. |
D. Luo, H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, J. Ohya |
Facial Analysis Aided Human Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction | IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications, Nara, Japan, June 2011. |
D. Luo, H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, J. Ohya |
Appearance-based Human Gesture Recognition Using Multimodal Features for Human Computer Interaction | IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, USA, January 2011. |
H.K. Ekenel, T. Semela, R. Stiefelhagen |
Content-based Video Genre Classification Using Multiple Cues | In Proc. of 3rd Intl. Workshop on Automated Information Extraction in Media Production (AIEMPro’10), Florence, Italy, October 2010. |
H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Robust Open-Set Face Recognition for Small-Scale Convenience Applications | In Proc. of 32nd Annual Symposium of the German Association for Pattern Recognition (DAGM’10), Darmstadt, Germany, September 2010. |
M. Bäuml, K. Bernardin, M. Fischer, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multi-Pose Face Recognition for Person Retrieval in Camera Networks | In Proc. of 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal-Based Surveillance (AVSS’10), Boston, USA, September 2010. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Automatic Frequency Band Selection for Illumination Robust Face Recognition | In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’10), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. |
H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multi-resolution Local Appearance-based Face Verification | In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’10), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. |
L. Rybok, M. Voit, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multi-view Based Estimation of Human Upper-Body Orientation | In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Pattern Recognition (ICPR’10), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. |
M. Fischer, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Interactive person re-identification in TV series | In Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Content-based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI’10), Grenoble, France, June 2010. |
H.K. Ekenel, A. Schumann, H. Gao, R. Stiefelhagen |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) at TRECVID 2009 | TRECVID Evaluation Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, L. Szasz-Toth, R. Stiefelhagen |
Open-set face recognition-based Visitor Interface System | 7thIntl. Conf. on Computer Vision Systems, LNCS, Vol. 5815, pp. 43-52, Liege, Belgium, October 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Face Alignment by Minimizing the Closest Classification Distance | In Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Biometrics: Theory, Applications and Systems (BTAS’09), Washington DC, USA, September 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Why is Facial Occlusion a Challenging Problem? | Intl. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB’09), LNCS, Vol. 5558, pp. 299-308, Alghero, Italy, June 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Generic versus Salient Region-based Partitioning for Local Appearance Face Recognition | Intl. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB’09), LNCS, Vol. 5558, pp. 367-375, Alghero, Italy, June 2009. |
H. Gao, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Pose Normalization for Local Appearance-Based Face Recognition | Intl. Conf. on Biometrics (ICB’09), LNCS, Vol. 5558, pp. 32-41, Alghero, Italy, June 2009. |
H.K. Ekenel, H. Gao, R. Stiefelhagen |
Universität Karlsruhe (TH) at TRECVID 2008 | TRECVID Evaluation Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 2008. |
R. Stiefelhagen, K. Bernardin, H.K. Ekenel, M. Voit |
Tracking Identities and Attention in Smart Environments - Contributions and Progress in the CHIL Project | In Proc. of 8th IEEE Int. Conference on Face and Gesture Recognition, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2008. |
H.K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, E. Tekeli, R. Stiefelhagen, A. Ercil |
Local Binary Pattern Domain Local Appearance Face Recognition | IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference (SIU 2008), Didim, Turkey, April 2008. |
K. Kumatani, H.K. Ekenel, H. Gao, R. Stiefelhagen, A. Ercil |
Multi-stream Gaussian Mixture Model based Facial Feature Localization | IEEE Signal Processing, Communication and Applications Conference (SIU 2008), Didim, Turkey, April 2008. |
H.K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, H. Gao, K. Kilgour, J.S. Marcos, R. Stiefelhagen |
Universität Karlsruhe (TH) at TRECVID 2007 | TRECVID Evaluation Workshop, Gaithersburg, MD, USA, November 2007. |
J. Stallkamp, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Video-based Face Recognition on Real-World Data | In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'07), pp. 1-8, Rio de Jenario, Brasil, October 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, J. Stallkamp, H. Gao, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen |
Face Recognition for Smart Interactions | In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, pp. 1007-1010, Beijing, China, July 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen |
Face Recognition in Smart Rooms | Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction, LNCS, Vol. 4892, pp. 120-131, Brno, Czech Republic, June 2007. |
J. Stallkamp, H.K. Ekenel, H. Erdogan, R. Stiefelhagen, A. Ercil |
Video-Based Driver Identification Using Local Appearance Face Recognition | Workshop on DSP in Mobile and Vehicular Systems, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, M. Fischer, Q. Jin, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multi-modal Person Identification in a Smart Environment | In Proc. of CVPR Biometrics Workshop, Minneapolis, USA, June 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Local Wavelet Analysis for Face Recognition | IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Eskisehir, Turkey, June 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Two-class Linear Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition | IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Eskisehir, Turkey, June 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, Q. Jin, M. Fischer, R. Stiefelhagen |
ISL Person Identification Systems in CLEAR 2007 | CLEAR Evaluation Workshop, LNCS, Vol. 4625, pp. 256-265, Baltimore, US, May 2007. |
S. Könn, H. Holzapfel, H.K. Ekenel, A. Waibel |
Integrating Face-ID into an Interactive Person-ID Learning System | In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2007, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2007. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
An Un-awarely Collected Real World Face Database: The ISL-Door Face Database | In Proc. of International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2007, Bielefeld, Germany, March 2007. |
K. Nickel, H.K. Ekenel, M. Voit, R. Stiefelhagen |
Audio-Visual Perception of Humans for a Humanoid Robot | In Proc. of 2nd Intl. Workshop on Human-Centered Robotics Systems, Munich, October 2006. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Block Selection in the Local Appearance-based Face Recognition Scheme | In Proc. of CVPR Biometrics Workshop, New York, USA, June 2006. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Analysis of Local Appearance-based Face Recognition: Effects of Feature Selection and Feature Normalization | In Proc. of CVPR Biometrics Workshop, New York, USA, June 2006. |
H. Holzapfel, T. Schaaf, H.K. Ekenel, C. Shaa, A. Waibel |
A Robot Learns to Know People - First Contacts of a Robot | In Proc. of 29th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI2006), Bremen, Germany, June 2006. |
K. Bernardin, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Multimodal Identity Tracking in a Smartroom | In Proc. of 3rd IFIP Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications & Innovations (AIAI), Athens, Greece, June 2006. |
D. Kern, H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Illumination Subspaces based Robust Face Recognition | IEEE Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference, Antalya, Turkey, April 2006. |
H.K. Ekenel, A. Pnevmatikakis |
Video-Based Face Recognition Evaluation in the CHIL Project – Run 1 | In Proc of 7th International Conference Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG2006), Southampton, UK, April 2006. |
H.K. Ekenel, Q. Jin |
ISL Person Identification Systems in the CLEAR Evaluations | CLEAR Evaluation Workshop, LNCS, Vol. 4122, pp. 249-257, Southampton, UK, April 2006. |
K. Nickel, T. Gehrig, H.K. Ekenel, J. McDonough, R. Stiefelhagen |
An Audio-visual Particle Filter for Speaker Tracking on the CLEAR’06 Evaluation Dataset | CLEAR Evaluation Workshop, LNCS, Vol. 4122, pp. 69-80, Southampton, UK, April 2006. |
T. Gehrig, K. Nickel, H.K. Ekenel, U. Klee, J. McDonough |
Kalman Filters for Audio-Video Source Localization | In Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA 2005), New York, USA, October, 2005. |
H.K. Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Analysis of Local Appearance-based Face Recognition on FRGC 2.0 Database | Face Recognition Grand Challenge Workshop (FRGC), Arlington, VA, USA, March 2006. |
M. Danninger, G. Flaherty, K. Bernardin, H.K. Ekenel, T. Koehler, R. Malkin, R. Stiefelhagen, A. Waibel |
The Connector - Facilitating Context-aware Communication | In Proc. of 7th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI 2005), Trento, Italy, October 2005. |
H.K.Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Local Appearance based Face Recognition Using Discrete Cosine Transform | In Proc. of 13th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2005), Antalya, Turkey, September 2005. |
H.K.Ekenel, R. Stiefelhagen |
A Generic Face Representation Approach for Local Appearance based Face Verification | In Proc. of CVPR IEEE Workshop on Face Recognition Grand Challenge Experiments, San Diego, CA, USA, June 2005. |
H.K. Ekenel, K. Nickel, R. Stiefelhagen |
Locating and Identifiying the Lecturer in a Smart Room | Second Workshop on Face Processing in Video (FPiV'05), Canada, May 2005. |
H. Erdogan, A. Ercil, H.K. Ekenel, S.Y. Bilgin, I. Eden, M. Kirisci |
Multimodel Person Recognition for Vehicular Applications | 6th International Workshop on Multiple Classifier Systems (MCS 2005), LNCS, Vol. 3541, pp. 366–375, California, USA, June 2005. |
H.K. Ekenel, S.Y. Bilgin, I. Eden, M. Kirisci, H. Erdogan, A. Ercil |
Multimodal Person Verification from Video Sequences | Special Workshop in Maui (SWIM): Lectures by Masters in Speech Processing, Maui, Hawaii, January 12-14, 2004. |